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    February 24, 2020
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evelpt and de Quaed g d Cy p n f the C p vindpul and iat tf nd wod by a -prins'd elof he fted etoary.nhe VIO OF OKTaA COLNTY, arises sa DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LY CANRAL COLAGATION SONDS C THE COUNT TO LN A GINERAL O GATION BOND OF nE COUNIY POR SALE To pE MI EVILOPINT BAN d paonandd n C w t he er OR TO ENTER IVIO A LOAN AGEMENT of loof mesle e rpe u te WITH THE Msm DEVLOPSNT mlnd permon pony mimi or e BANK. IN THE MANIMUM. NGGIGATE INCL AMOKNT OF THRIE MIEKN ler per piy ed nding aE HNDRD TOUAND DOLLAS dan igh d e ng thed Thelo IN ONg OR MORE EDKAIEY TALABLE ANDos A IMP M d nd gf dyl of he TO SEPORT THE CONTINLRD DvaLOr MENT OF THE NOReAR INDESTRAL ry nd gp adng ing the ndo Qelt oipe papoel pang a e parg hnggdy de M e Cadf pty hi ofheet th i or he p e prinoplfand mts f m per p prilnd tfand wa hnd pra unand e horind Parge nd the PARK LOCATED NEAR THE INTERC TIN OF HIGHAY AND HGr deding d the do. siing the tan r e Aand uronnd EN OKTIA COUNTE MEPL TO pdo r co t he Cty erwe VEOPMENT PRoCTSLOCATIDORTON LOCATED THRIN TO RA PUNDS TO P THE CONTs NCUDOR me Caled LowiNG POasINCOnoaTs w f per T CONTINND VO NT OF HE n d t A ma whah the a l e NOR DTRAL PAK ANDO dand legal sev plans and p CETAIN ECONMC VLoraT PO ICTLOCATDOR TOMLOCATD ng kay prw yf p o pricipel IN LA PURCHANG ORERICTING OI i g nd de Qud ol PING. REPAIRDNG RICONSTRciNG ap ay beeary ceal d we e KEMODLING AND ENLARGING COUNIY ing aterid y he Rponal e det IDENGA OICE MEDENGA AND E Depe At nd eler pego Puna he A the Going kody of the LATED IACITS AND THE PRCHAS OF Qulel and glatal ta d lee the Cty d the heriedy he epn to t Cty dn bety d an AND as AND AcQ ING THE NCEa LAND DLDNG LAND HOR OA MATERIAIS d degl de ri Te Mlln e Hendd NQURING Rcans-OFAY THERIO a y the Cty nd e Cty i d n . ahid AND TH PROHASE OF HEAY con p he lt STTON NT AND MOCESO pt d Pr I Ty Reg S THIRITO REAMONARY ROUD TO CONSTRUCE EPAR AND RENOATE p the p the u l ROADS AYS AND IDES AND AP h o er Ge hly d PROACHES THRTO WITHIN THE COUN mor of indeted e pei le A TR O PURCHANG MACHINE AND Delpet Aete epnt p 1O NT WICH HE AN EXRCTD h DA A d rp ndger eof the nd the f e Qued EPLE LBE INIasO TEN VEAR e Cy leg td gt ing e tan e lak. OVDEHAT TLOCHONn eid pn SHuL NOT ED THE ECT C k r e pvi Secam 31s no orthe l, det pernined by nd d euly tediw er mt eni Pepnende weh the prmd ofthe mda beOulied QUIENT AND sUOH MACHENRY AND ak Ae Couny topm Aa, he Te e Qualel O o the teen KQLIPENT LL NOT NCI ANY t p Ad her he pp d d MOTOR VEHE WIHING THAN te d M e d TWIEVE THOUSAND POUNIS D PCHAING NG IO e the Aberd hrpon d de ed C the C btol MENT AND APPARATU AND PROVIDNG Psd de r e pementof de Lla Men te in Mun NG O THE SAME AND Ma the C ori ene l ngfe ndy NG LAND NICEMARY THIRIOR IDANT Pte Coy At d scALY MT OTH LOW AND apw nd n y p anof e konof n nsUANCE OF DE SONS QUAumuD ke "lo CLGATON OR LOAN PROV G O a e ed c de ltb otgnd pn TE PAMENT OF THEE BONDS QUALD p L tontem d a d e hda te COLAGATION OR LOAN DRECTING NI principelami The Mn f O cpn ng de La CATON OF NOTCE OF SUCH INTENTIO Hl Thd Da i elier e en der d then de Core hne ANDFOR KILAT O WHEREAS he df Speim fonda e e e Qued g whe C Me e ng dy The d valef l prpey win eol e lom me be oe dhe l pidedy le ptehee. e Hunded Fo d Que he t i y p d Dlan the eqeeio w dof n ecod deopie d the ld naing bnded al h d e of y p n p te h d dee and Hg eal M Co tp e Cenithe d Thyge M er nde Nty wng the Bonds ingering Qued e Norhar nderd k hed Thnd Dn e e P nterwh deopet en he Qed o e pled otf dde eler p ngand Ohatonaning the Loan etd y enn del deanding bded tol a Dly Nwsaope pld i petpr lalmmedeleti e C vi nd heinga gel e Cy the G tngep indde t dedder de p eten 1 inof ad vlom tan pa e han hn pe1 d vale e publn t uion shall e a t 1- andvr -o ti Code d n L he e lle vh dde ndeof d ltthe eQue lnd the tof de ldnal h de . M Cde lel le pewn e Conty and wt Te Cthe Goy daandhey ind d f ep e t ere cay pd el p i Cte d esee d r utrid Ging hody the dad ethe pep f ll pha m C nd nad nde pha n and e lo td edi e ht land thend coruing m tins ethe Aunand hepoand the da Feytefe p t nd nrng mada gnnd bd pale pricipal nd intent ly om e ll r ay m e heldbe egal quiring de nenary ld incduding nd o f kin leal mmlal gdnyldey ul pring nghn w n med e County punntne he ler rviies of ren, chend nd the nhof er w in ef nt tal beo dd ed rel bing mrie s he the C ey al p m t pd Oledh pi let e Foleving de wang of e ng wi l pehaing d andirplal val a nden t, Supenr wil edd Coy e e td al d e ped k of hatinery and equipet nda the aery and ll ed mo vetie wghing a nd r the Aued Purpn andthe ll e w pon nd i pndaing egheng e vhich thene e her e fnd nd dSepervi d e de Qued h g the qu fom he a p ftedgt emng Sper a t ghe n pingd O w Sperv d ged e hrd rpe n Sperter n Mitgmer Atadp deh Cy a uperver Orlandol. n wld p e de n w the d heC dndapnet he pu e lannd th dda eo g See . M CodedL w t rlla ptenf nded "i Dee pendmthe Aernd hpnd e fpervdeld orthe ppo jty dedeg aeip he ndopeneing e lndrel Pekand the ond e rf the Oed devepment prta loted ei wh enbtng eian nd dem NO THEO ITsoDY T C Mt myl e ben pe, he hd ary . Ms eve Ay d cNTE Moa ASOows d epol dnp th l p the Cy i ngpurtr mpie A de ta A e egon ATTEST the epon Dp Cyunte tad e e toino pt ahe Sha tge Chanery Cl evelpt and de Quaed g d Cy p n f the C p vindpul and iat tf nd wod by a -prins'd elof he fted etoary.nhe VIO OF OKTaA COLNTY, arises sa DECLARING THE INTENTION TO LY CANRAL COLAGATION SONDS C THE COUNT TO LN A GINERAL O GATION BOND OF nE COUNIY POR SALE To pE MI EVILOPINT BAN d paonandd n C w t he er OR TO ENTER IVIO A LOAN AGEMENT of loof mesle e rpe u te WITH THE Msm DEVLOPSNT mlnd permon pony mimi or e BANK. IN THE MANIMUM. NGGIGATE INCL AMOKNT OF THRIE MIEKN ler per piy ed nding aE HNDRD TOUAND DOLLAS dan igh d e ng thed Thelo IN ONg OR MORE EDKAIEY TALABLE ANDos A IMP M d nd gf dyl of he TO SEPORT THE CONTINLRD DvaLOr MENT OF THE NOReAR INDESTRAL ry nd gp adng ing the ndo Qelt oipe papoel pang a e parg hnggdy de M e Cadf pty hi ofheet th i or he p e prinoplfand mts f m per p prilnd tfand wa hnd pra unand e horind Parge nd the PARK LOCATED NEAR THE INTERC TIN OF HIGHAY AND HGr deding d the do. siing the tan r e Aand uronnd EN OKTIA COUNTE MEPL TO pdo r co t he Cty erwe VEOPMENT PRoCTSLOCATIDORTON LOCATED THRIN TO RA PUNDS TO P THE CONTs NCUDOR me Caled LowiNG POasINCOnoaTs w f per T CONTINND VO NT OF HE n d t A ma whah the a l e NOR DTRAL PAK ANDO dand legal sev plans and p CETAIN ECONMC VLoraT PO ICTLOCATDOR TOMLOCATD ng kay prw yf p o pricipel IN LA PURCHANG ORERICTING OI i g nd de Qud ol PING. REPAIRDNG RICONSTRciNG ap ay beeary ceal d we e KEMODLING AND ENLARGING COUNIY ing aterid y he Rponal e det IDENGA OICE MEDENGA AND E Depe At nd eler pego Puna he A the Going kody of the LATED IACITS AND THE PRCHAS OF Qulel and glatal ta d lee the Cty d the heriedy he epn to t Cty dn bety d an AND as AND AcQ ING THE NCEa LAND DLDNG LAND HOR OA MATERIAIS d degl de ri Te Mlln e Hendd NQURING Rcans-OFAY THERIO a y the Cty nd e Cty i d n . ahid AND TH PROHASE OF HEAY con p he lt STTON NT AND MOCESO pt d Pr I Ty Reg S THIRITO REAMONARY ROUD TO CONSTRUCE EPAR AND RENOATE p the p the u l ROADS AYS AND IDES AND AP h o er Ge hly d PROACHES THRTO WITHIN THE COUN mor of indeted e pei le A TR O PURCHANG MACHINE AND Delpet Aete epnt p 1O NT WICH HE AN EXRCTD h DA A d rp ndger eof the nd the f e Qued EPLE LBE INIasO TEN VEAR e Cy leg td gt ing e tan e lak. OVDEHAT TLOCHONn eid pn SHuL NOT ED THE ECT C k r e pvi Secam 31s no orthe l, det pernined by nd d euly tediw er mt eni Pepnende weh the prmd ofthe mda beOulied QUIENT AND sUOH MACHENRY AND ak Ae Couny topm Aa, he Te e Qualel O o the teen KQLIPENT LL NOT NCI ANY t p Ad her he pp d d MOTOR VEHE WIHING THAN te d M e d TWIEVE THOUSAND POUNIS D PCHAING NG IO e the Aberd hrpon d de ed C the C btol MENT AND APPARATU AND PROVIDNG Psd de r e pementof de Lla Men te in Mun NG O THE SAME AND Ma the C ori ene l ngfe ndy NG LAND NICEMARY THIRIOR IDANT Pte Coy At d scALY MT OTH LOW AND apw nd n y p anof e konof n nsUANCE OF DE SONS QUAumuD ke "lo CLGATON OR LOAN PROV G O a e ed c de ltb otgnd pn TE PAMENT OF THEE BONDS QUALD p L tontem d a d e hda te COLAGATION OR LOAN DRECTING NI principelami The Mn f O cpn ng de La CATON OF NOTCE OF SUCH INTENTIO Hl Thd Da i elier e en der d then de Core hne ANDFOR KILAT O WHEREAS he df Speim fonda e e e Qued g whe C Me e ng dy The d valef l prpey win eol e lom me be oe dhe l pidedy le ptehee. e Hunded Fo d Que he t i y p d Dlan the eqeeio w dof n ecod deopie d the ld naing bnded al h d e of y p n p te h d dee and Hg eal M Co tp e Cenithe d Thyge M er nde Nty wng the Bonds ingering Qued e Norhar nderd k hed Thnd Dn e e P nterwh deopet en he Qed o e pled otf dde eler p ngand Ohatonaning the Loan etd y enn del deanding bded tol a Dly Nwsaope pld i petpr lalmmedeleti e C vi nd heinga gel e Cy the G tngep indde t dedder de p eten 1 inof ad vlom tan pa e han hn pe1 d vale e publn t uion shall e a t 1- andvr -o ti Code d n L he e lle vh dde ndeof d ltthe eQue lnd the tof de ldnal h de . M Cde lel le pewn e Conty and wt Te Cthe Goy daandhey ind d f ep e t ere cay pd el p i Cte d esee d r utrid Ging hody the dad ethe pep f ll pha m C nd nad nde pha n and e lo td edi e ht land thend coruing m tins ethe Aunand hepoand the da Feytefe p t nd nrng mada gnnd bd pale pricipal nd intent ly om e ll r ay m e heldbe egal quiring de nenary ld incduding nd o f kin leal mmlal gdnyldey ul pring nghn w n med e County punntne he ler rviies of ren, chend nd the nhof er w in ef nt tal beo dd ed rel bing mrie s he the C ey al p m t pd Oledh pi let e Foleving de wang of e ng wi l pehaing d andirplal val a nden t, Supenr wil edd Coy e e td al d e ped k of hatinery and equipet nda the aery and ll ed mo vetie wghing a nd r the Aued Purpn andthe ll e w pon nd i pndaing egheng e vhich thene e her e fnd nd dSepervi d e de Qued h g the qu fom he a p ftedgt emng Sper a t ghe n pingd O w Sperv d ged e hrd rpe n Sperter n Mitgmer Atadp deh Cy a uperver Orlandol. n wld p e de n w the d heC dndapnet he pu e lannd th dda eo g See . M CodedL w t rlla ptenf nded "i Dee pendmthe Aernd hpnd e fpervdeld orthe ppo jty dedeg aeip he ndopeneing e lndrel Pekand the ond e rf the Oed devepment prta loted ei wh enbtng eian nd dem NO THEO ITsoDY T C Mt myl e ben pe, he hd ary . Ms eve Ay d cNTE Moa ASOows d epol dnp th l p the Cy i ngpurtr mpie A de ta A e egon ATTEST the epon Dp Cyunte tad e e toino pt ahe Sha tge Chanery Cl