RESCUTON oF TE BOARD OF R VIOs OF OKTaA COLNTY, snes sa DECLARING THE INTENTION TO Y aNRAL COLGATION SONNDS C THE COUNTY TO LN A GINERAL O GATIN BOND OF n COUNIY FOR SALE To pE MI EVILOINT BAN d pionndd an C t he er OR TO ENTER IVIO A LOAN AGEMENT o loof mele r er e WITH THE M m EVLOPNT lnd pernon mpony mgimi or e BANK. IN THE MAKIMUM. NGGRIGATE PINCL AMONT OF THRIE MIEN ler per priy ed nding aE HINIRID TOUAND DOLLAS dan igh d e nge thed The l IN COa OR MORE EDKALLY TALABLE ANDos TA IMP MA d nd gf dy of he TO SEPORT TH CONTINLED DEvaLOr MENT OF THE NORTAR INDEsTRAL ry d gpedadng ing the ndo Qelt o RK LOCATID NIAR THE INTRIC w h dpradn nd e hrl Prgmnd he ec TIN OF HIGHAY E AND HIGI dedn d vh the do. sngthe tan r e Aand urnnd IN OTIA COUNTE M PL TO pdo r co t e he Coty er wn e dand de g wae he Cty pe indpal nd iantfndwodby le p eeala ta d e oary.nhe M e Cadf nd prty hi pepf painga e mintdie parrgh nggdy de fheet thee ier e de plfnd ms f m per p pinlnde fand p dnen C Nvn ing p VELOPMENT PRoCTSLOCATIDOR TON LOCATED THRIN TO RAI PUNDS TO P THE CONTs NUDOR mE . .C wQuldel Ta CONTINND VO NT OF HE ng d ima whah the a l NOR INDTRAL PARK ANDO and lel serv plans and pe CETAIN ECONOMC EVLoraNT PO ICTLOCATDOR TOOCATD ng the kay pw yf e p o pricipal IN LA PURCHANNG OREICTING IOI i gnd d nd de Qu ol PING. REIRDNG ICONSTRciNG ap a beery ceal d e KEOOLING AND ENLARGING COUNIY ing naterid y he Rponal e det MIDENGA OICE MEDINGA AND RE Dep At nd eller pego Pen he the Going ody of the LATED FACIES AND THE PRCHA OF LAND THEREOR O CoSTCTING dgw dem e d de Qed and gdar al loe ta d plee e Ctyi da h heriedythe epnd o Cy dn ty d oans AND as AND AO d rd hanemt e lyted NG THE NCE LAN DLeNG LAND HOR OAD H MATERIALS d degl de in Tew Mil e Hendd NURING Rcans.orwAY THIRO a e Ct nd e Cty i d . e Aaheid AND THE H OA OF HIAY CON p he al too rp e n STCTON BQUPNT AND ACEO optn and be ES THIRITO LANONARLY REQUD er e m y emte deni TO CONSTRUCE EPAR AND RENONATE p the ur d BOADK AYS AND IDES AND AP wich t f or oherGe y d PROACHS TH TO WITHIN THE COUN lmor of indend p e e pe male A T O PURCHANG MACHINE AND Dlpent Aete epnnd h p 2OaNT WICH H AN IXcno DA A p nder f hehnd teanfte Quled EPLE LDE INEas TEN VEARs C td gt ning e tan e lak. PROVIDT nLE OH ace e urd nn's SHL NOT ED THE EC k Lr e povi Sean 31-si non or the t, de t pernined by SUL LE OF SOH MACHINIRY AND. M Gadeof amended he un apla EQUIPMENT AND UOH MACHENRY AND ak Ahe Coury tapom Aa e en e Quale On o the teen QLENT SALL NOT INCI ANY fo p A d other e pp d d MOTOR VEHKE WIING THAN te d M e d TWEEVE THOSAND POENIS D PCHANG NG IOI e the Aberd hpon d e Cot fthe Cy tel MENT AND APPARATU AND PROIDeG s dpde re permente NG FOR THE SA AND PURHA el t y NG LAND NIEMARY THOR I ANY el d C de Ma wh the prod ofe dshe Oed the Cy eri ene ingfe ony HLlan Men ten in the Munopaliey n Prt Coy And aCONMC DEViOMENT ACY, M ORE h a wg ap y han scALY MT OTH LOW AND ap nd ga n y p af he nf de Core hane CLGATON OR LOAN PROV G O d de l bd olectngnd p ng TE PANMENT OF THE BONDS. QUALaD p the L netendemi CATON OF NOTCE OF SUCH INTENTIO Hodel Thd Da belie te sen der d then ANDFOR KILATED S WHEREAS he d f wha C M e ing The d valef al prperty win e lng e lome be oel d the C adinghe ld pdedy le d pebee Fo Hd ie Qd the L M d Sew Ted h ed wth de i y p e td dan e the equeei n dof te n cod deope d the ld ntaning bended l hld ei of y p pbed w d dde dge f M e Coy Ip t et le pd ng and e CentheC d Thyige M er ndrel Nty wng the Bonds ingering Qued e Nerar inderid he Thnd Dn e e Pk nterwh deopet n e ed gt e e pled Chgaton aingth L ed y h del deanding bded tol a Daly Newsaope ped in ptpr la m deli e Cont vi nd heing genal n i Cy Link IN)nd g p ats LMpy Codlef ed he inof ad alm tan pa Se han hn pe d vale u publnh uion hall te ma -andvr Cod p lle vh dde ndueof d t the Qued nd the tof de ldnal h he n . M Cde el e le pewnthe Cty and wt de Ct de e rat t d tnal b eCthe Coy ndhey t ere cay pd el p g the d eele gnd ng t re u d Ging hdthe dand gd nd a nde pha on and lon td edi e ht land thend coeruing mnutin ethe unnd hpoand the r d Feyt e pv e nd nparing mada. n nd bd, pd e prinpal nd intent ly om e shall r ay me e heldbe egal qiring ery l ededing lnd d iedel em lt pdny dey ul rel uing mri ring nghn of v on med e County punnt e heter prevs of e thed ndthe hof ey w in efe nt tal beo dd eed e y he Cyde y ulal pew p m tpd Oledh pe let el m and blgrnt de wi e l pehaing M Codef s ing de wadng of emping nd conon thot Sapener w dperv e et e Qued t he g the q fom he a p tedgt empng n d andiwplaral val a ca pidd u the tod all t d e ped k of hanery and equipt and the ond aery nd ll d Y m vetie wgin nttnd r the Auhed Purpn and the l e w L pond nd i pnding ergheng r vhich thene e her me fnd gandithe p o e nd g and Spever igthe p ngd The w sper d te the Cy Aandrp deh e Cya Sperver Orladol n ngend a e rd rpne n perter n Mitgmer A he Cy paty Qud ddpet ah w e pu e laan nd th deda e ingued hee Secten . M Coded w t erilla ptenf ad to Deve apenmd the Aernd hpnd e fprv delad e orthe ppo ty dedagy emaeamip ene ndopereing te lndl Pekand e the ond, e rf the Oed depment prnta koted eni wh enbtingeian myal te nbern pe, he hd dnd d de d. ary . and ydby e OARD e wVS T d fmn Me ev Aury ed cNTE Mo ASOows a d pol denp th l p the Cy the Ba A ee ATTEST the epon Dp Cyute tad e ke tonn kpt ahe adhe l la he Sha tge Chary C RESCUTON oF TE BOARD OF R VIOs OF OKTaA COLNTY, snes sa DECLARING THE INTENTION TO Y aNRAL COLGATION SONNDS C THE COUNTY TO LN A GINERAL O GATIN BOND OF n COUNIY FOR SALE To pE MI EVILOINT BAN d pionndd an C t he er OR TO ENTER IVIO A LOAN AGEMENT o loof mele r er e WITH THE M m EVLOPNT lnd pernon mpony mgimi or e BANK. IN THE MAKIMUM. NGGRIGATE PINCL AMONT OF THRIE MIEN ler per priy ed nding aE HINIRID TOUAND DOLLAS dan igh d e nge thed The l IN COa OR MORE EDKALLY TALABLE ANDos TA IMP MA d nd gf dy of he TO SEPORT TH CONTINLED DEvaLOr MENT OF THE NORTAR INDEsTRAL ry d gpedadng ing the ndo Qelt o RK LOCATID NIAR THE INTRIC w h dpradn nd e hrl Prgmnd he ec TIN OF HIGHAY E AND HIGI dedn d vh the do. sngthe tan r e Aand urnnd IN OTIA COUNTE M PL TO pdo r co t e he Coty er wn e dand de g wae he Cty pe indpal nd iantfndwodby le p eeala ta d e oary.nhe M e Cadf nd prty hi pepf painga e mintdie parrgh nggdy de fheet thee ier e de plfnd ms f m per p pinlnde fand p dnen C Nvn ing p VELOPMENT PRoCTSLOCATIDOR TON LOCATED THRIN TO RAI PUNDS TO P THE CONTs NUDOR mE . .C wQuldel Ta CONTINND VO NT OF HE ng d ima whah the a l NOR INDTRAL PARK ANDO and lel serv plans and pe CETAIN ECONOMC EVLoraNT PO ICTLOCATDOR TOOCATD ng the kay pw yf e p o pricipal IN LA PURCHANNG OREICTING IOI i gnd d nd de Qu ol PING. REIRDNG ICONSTRciNG ap a beery ceal d e KEOOLING AND ENLARGING COUNIY ing naterid y he Rponal e det MIDENGA OICE MEDINGA AND RE Dep At nd eller pego Pen he the Going ody of the LATED FACIES AND THE PRCHA OF LAND THEREOR O CoSTCTING dgw dem e d de Qed and gdar al loe ta d plee e Ctyi da h heriedythe epnd o Cy dn ty d oans AND as AND AO d rd hanemt e lyted NG THE NCE LAN DLeNG LAND HOR OAD H MATERIALS d degl de in Tew Mil e Hendd NURING Rcans.orwAY THIRO a e Ct nd e Cty i d . e Aaheid AND THE H OA OF HIAY CON p he al too rp e n STCTON BQUPNT AND ACEO optn and be ES THIRITO LANONARLY REQUD er e m y emte deni TO CONSTRUCE EPAR AND RENONATE p the ur d BOADK AYS AND IDES AND AP wich t f or oherGe y d PROACHS TH TO WITHIN THE COUN lmor of indend p e e pe male A T O PURCHANG MACHINE AND Dlpent Aete epnnd h p 2OaNT WICH H AN IXcno DA A p nder f hehnd teanfte Quled EPLE LDE INEas TEN VEARs C td gt ning e tan e lak. PROVIDT nLE OH ace e urd nn's SHL NOT ED THE EC k Lr e povi Sean 31-si non or the t, de t pernined by SUL LE OF SOH MACHINIRY AND. M Gadeof amended he un apla EQUIPMENT AND UOH MACHENRY AND ak Ahe Coury tapom Aa e en e Quale On o the teen QLENT SALL NOT INCI ANY fo p A d other e pp d d MOTOR VEHKE WIING THAN te d M e d TWEEVE THOSAND POENIS D PCHANG NG IOI e the Aberd hpon d e Cot fthe Cy tel MENT AND APPARATU AND PROIDeG s dpde re permente NG FOR THE SA AND PURHA el t y NG LAND NIEMARY THOR I ANY el d C de Ma wh the prod ofe dshe Oed the Cy eri ene ingfe ony HLlan Men ten in the Munopaliey n Prt Coy And aCONMC DEViOMENT ACY, M ORE h a wg ap y han scALY MT OTH LOW AND ap nd ga n y p af he nf de Core hane CLGATON OR LOAN PROV G O d de l bd olectngnd p ng TE PANMENT OF THE BONDS. QUALaD p the L netendemi CATON OF NOTCE OF SUCH INTENTIO Hodel Thd Da belie te sen der d then ANDFOR KILATED S WHEREAS he d f wha C M e ing The d valef al prperty win e lng e lome be oel d the C adinghe ld pdedy le d pebee Fo Hd ie Qd the L M d Sew Ted h ed wth de i y p e td dan e the equeei n dof te n cod deope d the ld ntaning bended l hld ei of y p pbed w d dde dge f M e Coy Ip t et le pd ng and e CentheC d Thyige M er ndrel Nty wng the Bonds ingering Qued e Nerar inderid he Thnd Dn e e Pk nterwh deopet n e ed gt e e pled Chgaton aingth L ed y h del deanding bded tol a Daly Newsaope ped in ptpr la m deli e Cont vi nd heing genal n i Cy Link IN)nd g p ats LMpy Codlef ed he inof ad alm tan pa Se han hn pe d vale u publnh uion hall te ma -andvr Cod p lle vh dde ndueof d t the Qued nd the tof de ldnal h he n . M Cde el e le pewnthe Cty and wt de Ct de e rat t d tnal b eCthe Coy ndhey t ere cay pd el p g the d eele gnd ng t re u d Ging hdthe dand gd nd a nde pha on and lon td edi e ht land thend coeruing mnutin ethe unnd hpoand the r d Feyt e pv e nd nparing mada. n nd bd, pd e prinpal nd intent ly om e shall r ay me e heldbe egal qiring ery l ededing lnd d iedel em lt pdny dey ul rel uing mri ring nghn of v on med e County punnt e heter prevs of e thed ndthe hof ey w in efe nt tal beo dd eed e y he Cyde y ulal pew p m tpd Oledh pe let el m and blgrnt de wi e l pehaing M Codef s ing de wadng of emping nd conon thot Sapener w dperv e et e Qued t he g the q fom he a p tedgt empng n d andiwplaral val a ca pidd u the tod all t d e ped k of hanery and equipt and the ond aery nd ll d Y m vetie wgin nttnd r the Auhed Purpn and the l e w L pond nd i pnding ergheng r vhich thene e her me fnd gandithe p o e nd g and Spever igthe p ngd The w sper d te the Cy Aandrp deh e Cya Sperver Orladol n ngend a e rd rpne n perter n Mitgmer A he Cy paty Qud ddpet ah w e pu e laan nd th deda e ingued hee Secten . M Coded w t erilla ptenf ad to Deve apenmd the Aernd hpnd e fprv delad e orthe ppo ty dedagy emaeamip ene ndopereing te lndl Pekand e the ond, e rf the Oed depment prnta koted eni wh enbtingeian myal te nbern pe, he hd dnd d de d. ary . and ydby e OARD e wVS T d fmn Me ev Aury ed cNTE Mo ASOows a d pol denp th l p the Cy the Ba A ee ATTEST the epon Dp Cyute tad e ke tonn kpt ahe adhe l la he Sha tge Chary C